Hey friends, welcome back!
If you missed our last post, we shared our newest venture, a beautiful historic remodel. As promised, today we are sharing a tour of the first floor.
But first, here is a map of the space just incase you get lost along the way.

***We suggest that you keep your seat belt fastened, as we may experience turbulence. Please take a few moments now to locate your nearest exit. In some cases, your nearest exit may be behind you.***
I'm kidding it's not that bad, come on in...!

I know what you're thinking... "wow! what a spacious entryway, I could just livvvee in that space!" Haha.
I know, I know... it's making me claustrophobic just looking at these pictures too.😬😅
The front door opens directly into the stairway and is then greeted by yet another door, leading into the main living area.
The previous owner had built this closet but it felt a little random to us. It took up a lot of space and made the stairway feel really dark and creepy, so taking it down was our first order of business.
And once we did, it changed everything...

Look at this happy little space! It's got "Anne of Green Gables" written all over it and I am here for it! And yes, I definitely asked Oleg if we can hang green wallpaper in this room, and you guessed it... his response was "absolutely not!" *British accent* 😂
But that's alright, I'll live out all of my childhood Green Gables fantasies while I can.😂

Here's another angle of the living room... lots of natural light!! We call this room "the golden room" because the light always pours in so beautifully at sunset.✨✨

Another perk of taking down the closet was opening up this doorway leading into the spacious dining room.


This was originally a bedroom, but it is right in the middle of everything, so it made sense to us to make this the office.
Before we continue, I need to correct something I said in our last post. I had said that the home has had "some updates" through the years. What I failed to realize at the time is that these "updates" are actually additions to the original structure (which explains the weird layout here on out, we like to call it "funk city"😅).

This kitchen was part of the first addition. It is a decent size, however, there are doors and windows everywhere!! We're definitely most excited about the changes we'll be doing in this room... moving doors, windows, walls... it'll be fun!😁

Moving on to the second addition...

This was originally a second kitchen... fancy, right?! We decided to turn this into the laundry / mudroom. I've always loved the idea of a mudroom and this space was just perfect for that.

Right off the laundry / mudroom we have another full bath... decent size, nothing fancy.

And lastly, also a part of the second addition, are two more bedrooms (these are labeled as "other room" and "other room" on the floor map). These are just awkwardly "there" and don't really feel like a part of the house... but we can't wait to share what we plan to do here!
And there we have it folks, the first floor!
It doesn't look like much now, but we are so excited for what it could and will be!!
Thank you for sharing in our excitement and thank you for being here!
I love this new adventure you both begun!! God bless you with everything😁♥️